
Lloydscer Researching Centre LTD


About Us

Lloydscer Researching Centre as a private and independent management institution in order to improve the quality and quantity of work in the field of world management and environment with the aim of helping to improve the health status and quality of life in the ultimate comfort, health and peace by examining New global and management solutions and organizations are based on the implementation of standards, monitoring and quality improvement of services and products, as well as individual specialized information in different countries and it is working in the fields of consulting and implementation, as well as implementing and obtaining of valid international certificates.

About Certificates

Lloyd's standard certificates include an initial mother certificate that registers and confirms the applicant's information, along with subject certificates.

About the Standard

The standard is made up of a union of the International Federation of National Standards Associations and the United Nations Standard Coordinating Committee.


Lloyd's standard certificates include an initial mother certificate that registers and confirms the applicant's information, along with subject certificates. The initial certificate, which includes information such as personal and organizational information, as well as services and products, along with the applicant's workplace and address, can be requested by scanning the existing barcode or through the certificate number on the research institute's website. After the initial authentication and placing the applicant's information in the system, you can apply for the subject certificate.


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Lloydscer Researching Centre Company

Lloyd's Universal Certificate department

An organization that provides certification, testing, calibration, inspection, and other conformity assessment services may seek accreditation. Eligibility criteria for a certification body are based on the relevant national or international standard and include the required qualifications, knowledge and skills, staff training and experience, appropriate calibration and maintenance equipment, adequate quality assurance procedures and appropriate sampling methods.

Accreditation body is a reputable body that performs accreditation and usually acts as a private distribution organization whose main task is to evaluate the organizations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.


How tech giants are building cyber resilience


Distrust pushes us into self-limiting stigmas, but International Standards can help us be confidently vulnerable and resilient.

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Artificial intelligence: rewards, risks and regulation


From unknown power to trusted tool, building the future of AI is all about asking the right questions.

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ISO/IEC 27001: What’s new in IT security?


Cyber-attacks are costly, disruptive and a growing threat to business, governments and society alike. Here’s how to protect your assets.

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Breaking news from ISO’s attendance at the climate conference.

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