Evaluation Services

Evaluation Services :

Pre-audit and audit

Standard auditing means evaluating the standard system in accordance with the standard requirements of the organization. The word audit literally means evaluation. In general, in implementing the requirements of management systems in order to obtain a standard degree, there are two types of audits, which include internal audit and external audit.

Internal audit


It is an audit performed by the organization itself or for internal purposes and can be the basis for the organization's self-declaration of compliance.

External audit


An audit is performed by the parties that have a stake in the scope of the organization, such as the customers of the organization or by them and based on the agreed criteria and standard.


It is an audit performed by qualified and accredited independent organizations in a company. These organizations certify or record compliance or requirements, such as standard quality control management requirements and the like.

Audit process and how to do it

  1. In the beginning, the company should select its individuals or experts for internal audit. This requires that these people undergo the necessary training on the implementation and implementation of the standard and be fully acquainted with its principles and rules.
  2. There should be a written plan for internal audit and the time and schedule for reviewing and evaluating the activities of the organization should be specified and predetermined. For example, the date and time are specified and notified to the audit experts so that they are prepared.
  3. The audit plan and sending the desired plan, which includes the specific day and time of the audit, and during this process, the specific time of the audit will be notified to the mentioned units.
  4. Holding audit meetings and determining responsibilities for each individual by the audit team manager.
  5. Perform audits and record all discrepancies; during the audit process, all documents and non-discrepancies are recorded by the internal auditor.
  6. The end of the work, which is the conclusion and conclusion, in which the internal audit during a meeting examines the non-conformities and discrepancies and the necessary reports are provided to the senior managers of the organization to take the necessary measures to eliminate the non-conformities be done.

Standard auditor

A standard auditor is a person who conducts an audit and must be qualified for the standard audit process in the standard auditing applicant organization. Standard audit is performed by standard auditor based on ISO 19011 standard and based on audit criteria.

The most important tasks of a standard auditor

  1. Develop an audit plan
  2. Compile a standard audit checklist for internal audit
  3. Holding the opening session of the standard audit
  4. Observe the standard audit schedule during the standard audit process
  5. Review of standard documents of the organization during the standard audit process
  6. Performing the audit process in accordance with the audit criteria
  7. Registration of audit evidence, audit findings
  8. Coordinate to determine audit guidance as needed
  9. Prepare final audit results and summarize audit findings
  10. Holding the closing session of the standard audit
  11. Registration of audit non-conformities during the audit process
  12. Coordination to set a deadline for resolving non-compliance
  13. Prepare an audit report
  14. Provide a fair audit report
  15. Maintain standard audit records
  16. Perform standard audit follow-up

By performing the above tasks, a standard auditor can assist organizations to achieve continuous improvement by providing audit reports including strengths, improvement recommendations, and noncompliance.

The main category of standard division

  • Product and service audits
  • Process audit
  • System audit

Product and service audits

Product audit is the review of a specific product or service to assess whether it meets the requirements (standards, performance and customer needs)

Process audit

Audit is a verification process that shows that all organizational processes are within the specified tolerance. Such audits evaluate operations and procedures within a predetermined framework and guidelines and standards to measure compliance with these standards and the effectiveness of the guidelines.

System audit

System audits are performed at management levels. System audit can be considered as an activity performed and documented in order to confirm by inspection and evaluation that the elements of the system in this situation have the ability to develop, document and implement correctly and in line with the requirements.

Audit Objectives

Audits can be performed for a variety of purposes, including verifying compliance and performance. Some audits also have specific administrative purposes, such as document audits, risks, or remedial actions.

Audit steps include the following set of steps:

  1. Recognize customers (or related organizations)
  2. Audit planning and implementation of strategies
  3. Gather information and evidence
  4. Analyze and evaluate the impact of evidence
  5. Use the opinion of experts
  6. Reporting and documentation

What is the difference between an internal audit period and a standard audit?

Internal auditing courses Standard:

In the standards, one of the requirements is to conduct periodic and regular internal audits within the organization, and organizations must do this at specified intervals, i.e. conduct internal audits and prepare reports. The internal audit process, as required by the standards, must be performed by qualified individuals, and this competence is usually acquired through passing internal auditing training courses on the standards.

Therefore, passing the internal audit course of each standard is passing the course describing the requirements of the same standard, because in the internal audit course, the clauses and their description are not mentioned much.

Standard table courses:

Audit Courses Advanced auditing courses are required for those who decide to work as auditors in international certification companies. These courses are usually held in 5 full workshop days. These courses discuss the audit of organizations as third-party auditors and what items need to be audited. Another thing in these courses is familiarity with the challenges and crises that may arise in different companies and the auditor should be familiar with them.

Prerequisite for this course is passing the standard description and auditing courses, as well as familiarity and experience in implementing and establishing the standard, which if you have not passed these courses, auditing courses will not be useful for you.

Standard audit checklist

Part of the audit process in accordance with clause 6.3.4 of ISO 19011 is the preparation of documentation for the audit, and one of the most important documents before the audit is the standard audit checklist. This checklist is not limited to questions designed prior to the audit and during the audit these questions can be changed by the auditor in accordance with the activities and requirements. It is very good to use ready-made checklists for standard auditing, but you should note that this checklist should be reviewed before auditing in accordance with the organization's processes, documentation, and staff.

Checklist benefits

  1. Information for auditor memory guide
  2. Ensure systematic execution of audits based on desired requirements
  3. Ensure tracking management system domain planning
  4. A place to record and refer to auditor evidence
  5. Resources required to compile a checklist
  6. Required standard requirements

The standard audit standard in the organization is the standard requirements that these requirements must be considered in the process of preparing the audit checklist. Like the:

Needs and expectations of the organization's stakeholders

In compiling the standard checklist, the beneficiaries of the organization must first be identified and their requirements and regulations must be considered in preparing the checklist.

Documentation related to organizational processes

In order to better understand the management system, the process map should be studied by the auditor and the details of each process (including documents, forms, indicators, etc.) should be considered when preparing a standard checklist for each process.

Checklist of previous audits

Previous audit checklists can be a good resource for compiling a checklist before the audit.

Results of previous audits

The report of the last internal or external audits can be considered if it has been registered in the previous audit in a non-compliance process and can be given special attention in the checklist of this issue.
